Friday, June 30, 2023


                                         OMAURA ADVENTIST SCHOOL OF MINISTY

                                                       "Free-Will Offering Collection- August 7, 2023"

                                                               Article No# 4: Promotional Video

Omaura Adventist School of Ministry is an institution operated by the Papua New Guinea Union Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and has been in operation since late 1930s. This institution is a special institution that trains field pastors for the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Papua New Guinea. This year, 2023, the institution through the Papua New Guinea Union Mission of SDA Church is hosting a very special “free-will offering collection” right throughout the country. The “special offering collection” is scheduled to be collected on the Sabbath of lesson 7, 3rd quarter, 2023 which is on August 12, 2023. Arrangement has been made by PNGUM Executive Committee that the offerings will be collected in each local church in all Local Missions right throughout the Papua New Guinea. Cash can be collected either through each local church and or can be deposition by individuals into the school’s project account WESTPAC BACK, Account Name: OMAURA SCHOOL OF MINISTRY, Account Number: 0001 859 306.

This special offering collection is aimed to boost infrastructural development in this old prophet school. Your support to Omaura Adventist School of Ministry Project is your support towards God’s vehicle of Salvation.  God bless your heart.

For further information, the school principal Pr. Garry Leana can be contacted on 72388018 and the deputy principal Minister Abe can be contacted on 73531276.


OASOM free-will offering promotional video. Acknowledging the Team Behind the Scene, Isaiah Baburan, Michael Pinaung and Mike Asitore

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  OMAURA ADVENTIST SCHOOL OF MINISTRY SPECIAL FREE-WILL OFFERING COLLECTION Article No# 5- Short Promotional Video Number 2 This is lesson t...