Friday, June 30, 2023


                                         OMAURA ADVENTIST SCHOOL OF MINISTY

                                                       "Free-Will Offering Collection- August 7, 2023"

                                                               Article No# 4: Promotional Video

Omaura Adventist School of Ministry is an institution operated by the Papua New Guinea Union Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and has been in operation since late 1930s. This institution is a special institution that trains field pastors for the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Papua New Guinea. This year, 2023, the institution through the Papua New Guinea Union Mission of SDA Church is hosting a very special “free-will offering collection” right throughout the country. The “special offering collection” is scheduled to be collected on the Sabbath of lesson 7, 3rd quarter, 2023 which is on August 12, 2023. Arrangement has been made by PNGUM Executive Committee that the offerings will be collected in each local church in all Local Missions right throughout the Papua New Guinea. Cash can be collected either through each local church and or can be deposition by individuals into the school’s project account WESTPAC BACK, Account Name: OMAURA SCHOOL OF MINISTRY, Account Number: 0001 859 306.

This special offering collection is aimed to boost infrastructural development in this old prophet school. Your support to Omaura Adventist School of Ministry Project is your support towards God’s vehicle of Salvation.  God bless your heart.

For further information, the school principal Pr. Garry Leana can be contacted on 72388018 and the deputy principal Minister Abe can be contacted on 73531276.


OASOM free-will offering promotional video. Acknowledging the Team Behind the Scene, Isaiah Baburan, Michael Pinaung and Mike Asitore

Tuesday, June 27, 2023



"Free-Will Offering"
Article No#: 3 FACILITIES

Omaura Adventist School of Ministry as highlighted in the previous article, was established in the late 1930s and early 1940s. This special institution, unlike Pacific Adventist University and Sonoma Adventist College is an “all prophet school”. This is the only school that functions as a theology seminary in Papua New
Guinea and perhaps within the South Pacific Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This special institution is a forerunner of higher Adventist tertiary institutions within the country. This school in its wake has been a source of much of Papua New Guinea Union Mission of SDA Church workers since the dawn of Adventism in the country as missionary activities gained momentum.
The infrastructures within the school are very old. Most of the infrastructures currently in operation were built when the school was initially established, as such, they are very old, so old as the school itself. Thus, the infrastructures are in a very awful condition. Most of the staff houses that were once built on stilt posts have now become ground floor houses, as the stilts have deteriorated. One of the unique sights in the school are two very old mining houses. These two houses were donated by two Australian brothers who were prospecting for gold in the Kasup area in 1930s. The houses are now very old and are in dire state to be replaced. Regardless of their condition, the institution is still using them to accommodate the institution’s health workers.
Still another ominous sight to behold are old water tanks among old shacks (real shacks) that functions as married students’ houses. The old water tanks and the old shack of houses bear tales that are synonymous with the success and progress of Adventism work in this beautiful island of Papua New Guinea. These old shacks housed hundreds of missionaries who worked, walked and trod this land bringing the everlasting gospel to the most marginalized people of this land. The roofs and walls of these old shacks keep records of countless tears, prayers and sacrifices that entails the success of Adventism in the country and the global south.
The pain is real, the challenge is real, and so are sweet rewards that follow. The infrastructural state and development of this institution is an antithesis of the swift progress of the gospel and Adventism in this land. It is indeed very sad that they do not correspond. Albeit this special place has done much to Adventism in this land, but its returns are few, characterized by sweat, toil and tears.
Anecdotal evidence is very clear that this special place plays a very important role in the progress
of Adventism in Papua New Guinea. Without which, the winepress and the treadmill will be a mountainous job for the Church, let alone PAU and Sonoma to bear. Those who have tread the Mare-Wagano path, the path of countless tears, countless prayers, countless sacrifices knew the hardships associated with this old prophet school. For to lift the burden off them and the generation coming after them will be the vehicle to keep par with the ratio of Church members to Pastors in PNGUM mission wide and elsewhere.
It is our earnest desire, heartfelt plea and genuine cry for Church support, for your support. Your support will greatly assist PNGUM to give a facelift to this old prophet school and improve its teaching and learning facilities. We pray that the good Lord will richly bless you in your support of His special school that has been a source of blessing and will continue to be so until He comes. Your contribution and whatever you do today will be written in the annals of sacred history within the courts of Glory.

*Pic- Isaiah Baburan, Michael Pinaung and Mike Asitore Images, 2022 & 2023.
Omaura Adventist School of Ministry
Free-Will offering collection, PNGUM wide
August 12, 3rd Quarter, Lesson 7, 2023
School Project Account:
Acc Name: Omaura School of Ministry
Acc #: 0001 859 306
For more information: Contact the Principal on 72388018 or the Deputy Principal on 73531276

Thursday, June 22, 2023


                                         OMAURA ADVENTIST SCHOOL OF MINSTRY

                                                   CAMPUS OFFERING COLLECTION

The school started the special offering collection for the school project on the Sabbath evening of June 17, 2023. A total of around K5000 plus were collected. Around K6000 or more were collected from the pledges. Throughout this week, cash from pledges and commitments kept coming in. The estimated collection from cash and pledges amount to K13,000 in total and is expected to increase. 

Your contribution towards this cause will greatly improve the learning experience in this special prophet school. Those who have been here, the former OASOM students knew the challenge and the struggle this learning environment pose. It is our prayer that the good Lord will richly bless you as you as you contribute towards His Mission work and experience here in Papua New Guinea Union Mission.

To deposit your heartfelt contribution, you can directly deposit into the school's project account:  


Account Number: OOO1 859 306

For further information, the Principal can be reached on 72388018 and the Deputy Principal on 73531276.

This is a short video highlighting the offering collection within Omaura Adventist School of Ministry Campus. 


Curtesy of Behind the Scene Team, 2023:

Isaiah Baburan
Mike Asitore
Michael Pinaung

Tuesday, June 20, 2023




Omaura Adventist School of Ministry Special Project,  2023

Omaura Adventist School of Ministry is an institution operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church of Papua New Guinea. It is located in Obura-Wonenara District of Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea. It was established in the 1940s and since then has been in operation for a good number of years. It was established solely to train gospel workers to carry the gospel to the the unreached areas of Papua New Guinea. 
Since its establishment in 1940 up till 1952, the School was referred to as Omaura Training School. From 1965 to 1975, the school became Omaura Bible Worker's Training School. During this period, many students from far and near started to attend this special school. This gives rise to its increase influence as a fore-runner in producing ample quantity of workers to carry the Seventh-day Adventist Church's agenda to the fringes of this beautiful island.

The school since then has become the focal point in training Adventist gospel workers. In 1980 to 1991, the school effectively launched a good number of  Adventist gospel workers into the Papua New Guinea mission field. Many of them became prominent leaders in the Church and are still very active in the ministry. 

Sadly, the school was temporarily closed for a total of 4 years, spanning from 1991 to 1994 for unspecified reasons. After 4 years of temporary closure, the school was re-opened in 1996 by the Papua New Guinea Union Mission and was then renamed Omaura School of Ministry. It is now more recently named, Omaura Adventist School of Ministry by the current Principal, Pr. Garry Leana since taking office in 2020.

The school has now grown from strength to strength and boasts of graduating an average of 100 students per year. It has a robust spiritual culture that is second to non in all the Adventist institutions in this country, owing to its praying culture. Work-line as a norm in all Adventist institutions plays a vital part in shaping the outlook of the institution and its culture. The school has a good farming system that provides food for the students twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays). The students and school staff are given gardening space to grow their own food as well.

Currently, the school is able to accommodate 5 Bible Teachers ( 2 bible teachers, a specialized English teacher, the Deputy Principal and the Principal). The school is blessed to have a chaplain who also assists in teaching bible classes and is employed by Eastern Highlands Simbu Mission of the SDA Church. This fruitful partnership between Papua New Guinea Union Mission of SDA Church and Eastern Highlands Mission of SDA Church of sponsoring the chaplaincy position within the school has been a revelation. 

The school has two support service departments, Building and Farm. The Building Manager, employed by the PNGUM works with 5 casual staff to ensure that School's infrastructural needs and development is up to par with the Union Mission's vision of the institution. The Farm Manger and his assistant (both employed by the Union) ensures that school's food demands are met on time. Surplus produce from the farm are marketed to earn the school extra cash for its operations. 

The school recently has a full-time driver employed. The driver's role is to ensure that the school's transportation needs of school materials, household items and transportations are met. The main  assets of the school currently in operation include a tractor, a school truck,  Lucas saw-mill and a generator that supplies the school's electrical needs that operates in the evenings, from 6pm to 9pm daily. The school is constantly changing. It is now slowly evolving to become an influential knowledge hub in the country.

The major challenge lies in its financial capability, as such, progress and development has been very slow. As it is, the school is currently embarking on a special offering collection project on August 12, forthcoming quarter (3rd Quarter, lession 7, 2023) lesson 7- throughout Papua New Guinea Union Mission wide. This special collection will greatly assist in boosting infrastructural development in the school with the aim of boosting school's level to college status once Sonoma Adventist College becomes a University. As such, your contribution to the project will enable the PNG Church, through the Omaura Adventist School of Ministry to improve its learning facilities. This will empower this learning hub to be an effective center of influence whose rippling effect will be felt in the fringes of this land before the Second Coming.

Come Lord Jesus.


1.Stafford, G. Omaura Adventist School of Ministry, 2020. Accessed from 

2.  Image 1, Andrew Waina- Accessed via google

3. All other images used-- are Isaiah Baburan, Mike Asitore and Michael Pinaung Images, 2023

If you wish to contribute to the development of this special prophet school, your proceedings can be directly deposited to WESTPAC BANK, Account Name: OMAURA SCHOOL OF MINISTRY
Account Number: OOO1 859 306

For more information, the Principal can be reached on 72388018

  OMAURA ADVENTIST SCHOOL OF MINISTRY SPECIAL FREE-WILL OFFERING COLLECTION Article No# 5- Short Promotional Video Number 2 This is lesson t...