Sunday, July 9, 2023




Article No# 5- Short Promotional Video Number 2

This is lesson two. There are five more weeks (5 more Sabbaths) remaining before the special offering is collected. As such, information dissemination about this special free-will offering collection is very essential. This special offering collection is one of its kind and perhaps first of its kind as it may have never happened before in Papua New Guinea Union Mission Wide. Here is the link of short promotional video Number 2

Your support to this special offering collection is very important. Perhaps, who knows, this special collection might be a generational event that will never happen again in your lifetime. As it is, your support to this cause is extra special. Further, your K1 or K2 that you contribute will go a long way in helping Mission work in Papua New Guinea.

The special offering support that you will give is not an indirect offering. It is rather a direct offering, specifically given for a specific cause, that is to help Omaura Adventist School of Ministry become a better learning environment. A better learning environment specifically tailored to help meet the PNG Church’s Pastoral needs as influx of new interests kept coming in. Papua New Guinea Union Mission President, Pr. Malachi Yani, in his recent visit to Omaura Adventist School of Ministry announced that, Church members in Papua New Guinea is expected to increase to a Million shortly. With the sudden influx of church members, the current Pastoral team of around 2,000 plus cannot meet the expected ratio of Pastors to Church Members. As such, Omaura plays a very vital role in this special regard, it produces more pastors every year in comparison to Sonoma Adventist College and Pacific Adventist University.

As it is, this special offering that will be collected throughout Papua New Guinea Union Mission wide will greatly make a difference in the Lord’s vineyard in Papua New Guinea. The special offering will be collected on the Sabbath of Lesson 7 of this Quarter (3rd Quarter), 2023.God bless your heart as you give towards this special cause. Your giving to Omaura Adventist School of Ministry is your offering to the Lord. 

If you wish to contribute to the development of this special prophet school, your proceedings can be directly deposited to WESTPAC BANK, Account Name: OMAURA SCHOOL OF MINISTRY
Account Number: OOO1 859 306

For more information, the Principal can be reached on 72388018


*Images and video used-- are Isaiah Baburan, Mike Asitore and Michael Pinaung Images, 2022-2023

  OMAURA ADVENTIST SCHOOL OF MINISTRY SPECIAL FREE-WILL OFFERING COLLECTION Article No# 5- Short Promotional Video Number 2 This is lesson t...